コスプレ総合専門店クラッセ | 平日15時までのご決済で即日発送&コンビニ決済OK!


1267 Illegal mix of collations (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (ujis_japanese_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like'
[select count(distinct p.products_id) as total FROM (cls_products p LEFT JOIN cls_manufacturers m USING(manufacturers_id), cls_products_description pd, cls_categories c, cls_products_to_categories p2c LEFT JOIN cls_meta_tags_products_description mtpd ON mtpd.products_id= p2c.products_id AND mtpd.language_id = 2 ) WHERE p.products_status = 1 AND p.products_id = pd.products_id AND pd.language_id = 2 AND p.products_id = p2c.products_id AND p2c.categories_id = c.categories_id AND p.master_categories_id not in (6,490,587,1475) AND c.parent_id not in (1475) AND (p.parent_flg is null or p.parent_flg =1) AND (p.products_model NOT LIKE '%-_.__') AND p2c.products_id = p.products_id AND p2c.products_id = pd.products_id AND pd.language_id = 2 AND ( (pd.products_name LIKE '%?�???潟???若???若???%' OR p.products_model LIKE '%?�???潟???若???若???%' OR m.manufacturers_name LIKE '%?�???潟???若???若???%' OR (mtpd.metatags_keywords LIKE '%?�???潟???若???若???%' AND mtpd.metatags_keywords !='') OR (mtpd.metatags_description LIKE '%?�???潟???若???若???%' AND mtpd.metatags_description !='')) )]